Buying books, whether new or used, has always been a part of every reader’s life including me.

I’m pretty sure a lot of you guys have also bought some used books whenever they are low on budget or just for fun. 

But have you ever thought about what happens when we buy used books? How does it impact the authors who write these books? 

The debate over whether buying used books is bad for authors has been ongoing for years. 

Some say buying used books hurts authors and publishers by reducing sales. Others say it promotes reading and makes books easier for everyone to get.

 So, should you buy used books?  

Today, we’re going to talk about just that.

Should You Buy Used/Second Hand Books?

Yes, it is completely fine to buy used/second-hand books. They’re often cheaper (budget-friendly) and can be good for the environment (eco-friendly). It’s a great way to enjoy books and save money. 

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But if you can afford a new one then I would recommend you to buy a new one.

Key Takeaways:

  • Authors make money when you buy new books, not used ones. New book sales support them financially.
  • Authors don’t get paid when you buy a used book because it’s a sale between readers, not involving authors.
  • It’s okay to enjoy used books but also buy new ones occasionally. This helps authors continue writing and creating more stories.
  • By buying new books, you directly support authors and their ability to make a living from writing.

Is Buying Used Books Bad for Authors?

When you buy a used book, it means someone else already owned it and it has already been sold before. 

But here’s the thing: when you do that, the author doesn’t get paid.

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They only earn money when you buy a brand new book, not a used one. That’s because the sale of used books doesn’t involve the author or the company that published the book.

Authors typically earn money through royalties, which are a percentage of the book’s retail price. 

When you buy a new book, part of the price you pay goes to the author as royalties. 

This income is important for authors as it supports their lives and allows them to continue writing more books.

But when you buy used books, the author doesn’t get any money because the book was already sold before. 

Readers can buy these books at a lower price, but the author doesn’t earn anything from these sales. So, authors lose the chance to earn money when people buy used books.

If everyone buys used books instead, it can make it hard for authors to make a living.

So, while it’s okay to enjoy used books, it’s also good to buy new ones sometimes. This way, you’re supporting authors and helping them continue to keep on writing. 

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In the end, our book choices impact authors. Buying used books is okay for saving money, but authors don’t earn from those sales. 

To help them, consider buying new books too. This way, we support authors, making sure that they can keep writing.

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