You’ve heard many times that reading books is good for you. It can boost your brain power, reduce stress, improve your memory, and even make you happier. But if you’re 30 or above, you might think it’s too late to start reading books. Maybe you’re too busy with work, family, or other obligations. Maybe you don’t know what to read or how to find the time. Maybe you’ve tried reading before, but you couldn’t stick with it or enjoy it. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. 

How To Start Reading Books If You’re 30

Many people struggle with reading books, especially as they get older. But it’s never too late to start reading books, and this article will show you how. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to overcome the common barriers to reading, how to choose the right books for your interests and goals, and how to make reading a habit that you’ll love and benefit from. Whether you want to read for pleasure, for learning, or for both, this article will help you start reading books and transform your life. Ready? Let’s begin!

Is 30 Too Late To Start Reading?

No, 30 is not too late to start reading. Reading has many benefits for your brain, memory, mood, and happiness, and you can enjoy them at any age. Many people start reading books later in life, and they find it rewarding and fulfilling. If you have any stuttering issues then click here to learn about how to get rid of stuttering with the help of reading.

Are you using reading glasses? If yes then I highly recommend you to read Disadvantages of Reading Glasses You Might Not Know

What is the Best Age to Start Reading?

The best age to learn to read is not fixed but depends on your individual circumstances and goals. Reading is a skill that you can improve with practice and consistency, no matter when you start. You are never too old or too late to start reading books.

How Many Books Has the Average 30 Year Old Read?

According to statistics, the average 30 year old in the U.S. has read about 180 books in their lifetime (assuming they started reading at age 25). However, this number may vary depending on factors such as education, income, gender, and personal preference.

How To Start?

Step 1 – Identify Your Reading Purpose and Motivation 

Why do you want to read books? What are you hoping to gain from reading? How will reading benefit you personally or professionally? Knowing your purpose and motivation will help you choose the right books for you and keep you motivated to read them.

Set realistic and specific reading goals. 

How many books do you want to read in a month, a year, or a lifetime? How much time can you dedicate to reading each day, week, or month? What kind of books do you want to read? Fiction or non-fiction? Classics or contemporary? Genres or topics? Setting realistic and specific goals will help you measure your progress and celebrate your achievements.

Step 2 – Find The Right Books For You

There are millions of books out there, but not all of them will suit your interests, preferences, and goals. You can find the right books for you by asking for recommendations from friends, family, or experts; browsing online reviews, ratings, or lists; visiting libraries, bookstores, or book fairs; or joining online or offline book clubs or communities. 

Finding the right books for you will help you enjoy reading and avoid boredom or frustration. Check out this amazing book you can start reading if you love reading novels.

If you are more on the self improvement side then check out these Top 10 Best Books On Finding Your Passion And Purpose In Life.

Step 3 – Make Reading A Habit 

Reading is like any other skill: it requires practice and consistency. You can make reading a habit by scheduling a regular time and place for reading; creating a comfortable and distraction-free reading environment; setting small and achievable reading milestones; rewarding yourself for reading; and tracking your reading habits. 

Making reading a habit will help you improve your reading skills and make reading a part of your lifestyle.

Also Read: How to Explain Reading as a Hobby?

Step 4 – Have Fun Reading

Reading is not only good for you but also fun. You can have fun with reading by choosing books that spark your curiosity, imagination, or emotions; experimenting with different formats, mediums, or devices; varying your reading pace, style, or mood; sharing your thoughts, opinions, or feelings about the books you read; or challenging yourself with new or difficult books. 

Having fun with reading will help you love reading and look forward to it.

Also Read: 10 Tips For Annotating Books For School


Reading books is a great habit that can enrich your life in many ways. However, if you are 30 or above and have never been a reader before, you might need some guidance and tips on how to start reading books. 

In this article, I have given you a step-by-step guide on how to start reading books if you are 30 or above. The guide consists of three steps: find your why, find your what, and find your how. By following these steps, you can develop a reading habit that is enjoyable, meaningful, and beneficial for you. You have to make sure to make reading a habit and should avoid getting addicted to reading and everything should be fine.

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